by Chai
08 April 2021

The crushing devastation of 2020 has spared no one. We all have our own stories and experience to last us a lifetime. These experience scan quickly provide us with ample reason to remain disconnected, less trusting, develop a blame mentality, and struggling to see the upside even in the most positive developments.It is easy to blame the behaviors, egos, and cookie-cutter communication of our leaders and others for this downward spiral.

The good news is every now, and then someone writes a post, article, or essay that is different and special. Special because it is uplifting and feeds not only our mind but also our hearts and soul. It refreshes our spirit and makes facing an uncertain future less frightening, dark, and lonely.

This post by Robert ( https://www.linkedin.com/pulse/facing-forward-robert-sundelius-fache/?trackingId=) is one such narrative. It calls us to consider the four "sails" that will take us forward. It provides us with the heart, spirit, and mind to not lose our bearing regardless of others' actions, uncertainty, and storms that may lay ahead. His closing remarks remind leaders of their privilege and responsibility to lead differently through the lens of "beauty, vulnerability, releasing to embrace, and finally being connected.

Robert’s 2,000 words post will take you, on average, 10 to 15 minutes to read it. But if you are like me, take your time and read it at least twice.

The final word goes to Robert’s closing paragraph "As leaders, we have a unique privilege and responsibility in way finding. As we look up and scan the horizon, our vision settles: this seems a good way forward. During a crisis and in the aftermath of the crisis, as rebuilding begins:

1. May we always ensure beauty is on display. May beauty be central: to have the most prominent word, last word, and most enduring word.

2. May the strength of vulnerability draw us closer.Closer to our true potential, to our team members, and to those we serve.

3. May releasing what could have been put a fresh wind in the sails of what can be and will be. May releasing bring resilience, the capacity to recover quickly from difficulties and to adapt well in the face of adversity not yet known.

4. May the reality we are connected to, and dependent on others bring hope, true progress, and the gift of realized potential. May we find joy and peace in the truth that we belong to each other.

We have changed: all of us. As we face forward toward new beginnings and new opportunities, we have the freedom to hold fast to these gifts: beauty, vulnerability, resilience, belonging.We will find our way.We will write a better ending. Of this, I am certain."

I hope you find Robert’s post as refreshing and uplifting as I have. We can choose to either remain victims of this pandemic, or we can take small steps, no matter trivial, to go forward and shape a better and different future.

Chai Chuah

Wellington, NZ

8th April 2021
